2003 - Ryobi 525 HXX
Maximum Sheet Size 375 x 520 mm Double sheet control, With PCS-H + PDS-E Alcohol damping, Technotrans recirculation and refrigeration, Bacher register system, RP520-220 register punch Chromed Cylinders, Double sheet control, Semi Auto Plate Change, Grafix powder spray, Auto Blanket Ink Rol...
2007 - Ryobi 525 GX
47 Million Impressions, Maximum sheet size 520 x 375 mm Minimum sheet size 100 x 105 mm Paper/Board Thickness 0.04-0.6 mm PCS-H, PDSE, IVS, Preset, Semi Automatic Plate Change, Ryobimatic Damping, Technotrans Alpha D Chiller, Automatic Washups, Powder Spray, High Pile Delivery,...